The Verdict is in, the Battle Wages on! Support the UHURU 3! DEFEND FREE SPEECH AND FREEDOM TO ORGANIZE!

The International Women’s Alliance extends our deepest solidarity and congratulations to our member organization, African National Women’s Organization (ANWO), as well as the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) in the midst of their legal battle between the Uhuru 3 and the US government’s desperate attempt to quell the growing Black liberation movement. The case is proving to be a landmark trial on the issue of our First Amendment right to our freedom of speech. The Uhuru 3 are a shining example of how lies spewed by the state are ineffective when a movement has genuinely and wholeheartedly organizes exploited and oppressed peoples.

In July 2022, the FBI – with the cooperation of local law enforcement – violently raided seven homes and offices of the APSP and the associated Uhuru Movement in St. Louis, Missouri, and St. Petersburg, Florida. Nine months later, the US Department of Justice announced indictments in the case accusing APSP Chairman, Omali Yeshitela, and leading solidarity organizers Penny Hess, and Jesse Nevel of acting as "unregistered illegal agents of the Russian government" to "sow discord and spread pro-Russian propaganda." The Uhuru 3, long-time advocates of reparations and Black liberation, have steadfastly denied the allegations.

It is shameful that the prosecutors tried to deceive and confuse the jury, leading to the conviction of conspiracy, however, the Uhuru 3 were found NOT GUILTY on charges of being agents of Russia. The jury saw through the lies and saw that the steady organizing work of APSP and the Uhuru 3 are truly for the liberation of Black and African people, and not under the influence of any foreign entity. Is it clearer than ever that the US government is in denial that every single day more people are realizing that they have a choice to rise up and fight for their rights and livelihood, especially the poor and working class Black masses.

According to Attorney Jenipher Jones, who is on the legal support committee for the defendants, “It remains clear that when covert government repression tactics fail against activists, the government will use the overt means of charges and cages against folks that they simply disagree with.”

This case is not just one that will affect ANWO and APSP, but all progressive and pro-people movements against US imperialism. This is a battle for free speech, to speak out against injustice, and to expose the rottenness of capitalism and the decaying US empire. As IWA we echo and amplify the calls to action of the Uhuru 3 and call on our members and networks to extend solidarity in the following ways:

  • Submit letters to the judge as we approach our sentencing date scheduled for November 25, after which we intend to file a motion to appeal the conspiracy conviction. More details will be shared on .

  • Make plans to come to Tampa, Florida on November 25 to pack the courthouse for the sentencing hearing. Details will be announced soon.

  • Join the mobilization in Washington, DC on November 2, 2024, this annual Black People’s March on the White House is sponsored by the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations. This will be an anti-colonial march, led by Africans, Mexicans, Palestinians, Indigenous, Filipino and other colonized peoples.

  • Continue to stand with the Uhuru Movement and the African liberation struggle. Support, protect and defend the dual power programs for African working class economic development and self-determination.

  • Donate to the Hands Off Uhuru Legal Defense Fund at

  • Finally, the most important thing you can do right now is to inform the world that the U.S. government lied and lost. The Uhuru Movement told the truth and won.

Read the full statement from the Uhuru 3 on the verdict here


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