Rest in power, Nanay Mameng!

The International Women’s Alliance (IWA) deeply mourns with the rest of the women’s and the people’s organizations in the Philippines the passing of Carmen Deunida, or as we fondly call her, Nanay Mameng, on July 19, 2021. We send out sympathies and condolences to family, friends, and comrades she left behind.

IWA admires her fighting spirit and leadership in the most difficult cirmcumstances. She was a role model and a ball of fire when she spoke. No one – not even the powers-that-be – could ignore her fiery spirit and speeches.

Nanay Mameng was one of the first recipients of IWA’s Women of Valor award, in recognition of her courage and contribution to the struggle towards national democracy and women’s emancipation in the Philippines. Nanay Mameng’s passion will remain in our hearts and mind as the we continue to fight and pave the way to a brighter future for women and for all working class people!

Rest in power, Nanay Mameng!


Call for Just Peace and an End to Wars of Aggression and Military Sexual Violence Against Women


¡Baja las garras a Cuba! ¡Fin al bloqueo ilegal de Estados Unidos!