Solidarity with Migrant Women and their Families

The International Women’s Alliance (IWA) extends its firm hand of solidarity with the thousands of migrant families, undocumented and documented, who are being torn apart by the U.S. bigot-in-chief, Donald Trump, and the notorious Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) in recent weeks. This includes more than 2,000 children, including toddlers, who have been ripped away from their parents and are now being housed in what can only be called cages. There is no policy in place at this juncture on if and when these children will be reunited with their families, causing permanent trauma.

Many of these migrant families were forced to migrate to the U.S. and Europe due to either economic hardships or war-type conditions in their home countries due to U.S. and European imperialism. These areas of the world include Central and Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

We applaud the hundreds of thousands people who participated in at least 700 protests throughout the U.S. on June 30 under the broad theme of “Keep Families Together”. Many carried signs demanding “Abolish ICE”. In some areas of the U.S., there are 24-hour vigils and civil disobedience actions taking place against ICE.

As an anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, anti-patriarchal, anti-sexist, anti-racist and anti-homophobic women’s alliance founded in 2010 with the majority of its membership in the Global South, we have organized and struggled to build unity and solidarity with poor, rural and urban women of ALL nationalities, gender identities, generations, disabilities and abilities for full liberation.

Not only is the immigration policy of the white supremacist, misogynistic Trump administration inhumane towards migrants in general but women in particular, who on far too many occasions are forced to leave their homelands to work in rich, capitalist countries to send back remittances to their families living in dire poverty. These immigration policies are meant to scapegoat immigrants for all the ills under capitalism including unemployment and underemployment, which millions of workers are suffering from.

The IWA declares that workers — urban and rural, migrants and residents, need to be united, not divided, with women leading the way.

The women united will never be defeated!

Unite migrant families!

The workers’ struggles know no borders!


IWA on Ahed Tamimi’s Release
